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Scalable Multi-Chip Quantum Architectures Enabled by Cryogenic Wireless/Quantum-Coherent Network-in-Package

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Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) (Project coordinator): The UPV team, which coordinates the project, has a broad expertise in the field of quantum computing architectures and the design and development of full-stack quantum systems as well as world-leading expertise in on-chip interconnection networks. UPV PI - Dr. Carmen G. Almudever.
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft): TU Delft has world-leading activity in qubit fabrication and scalable quantum hardware, RF and data conversion cryogenic ICs. TU Delft PIs - Dr. Fabio Sebastiano and Dr. Masoud Babaie.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC): The UPC team has pioneering expertise in the design of nanotechnology-enabled miniaturized small-scale short range wireless systems, as well as design space exploration methodologies for complex multi-layer systems. UPC PIs - Prof. Dr. Eduard Alarcón and Dr. Sergi Abadal.
University of Siegen (UoS): The UoS team has a broad expertise in the field of microwave/mm-wave/THz devices, systems and applications and superconductor cavity deposition techniques. UoS PIs - Dr. Prof. Peter Haring Bolívar and Xin Jiang.
University of Catania (UNICT): UNICT has a long-time experience in the design and optimization of on-chip communication systems through multi-objective design space exploration and mapping techniques. UNICT PI - Dr. Maurizio Palesi.
Equal1 Labs: Equal1 is a commercial company with a mission to build the world’s first fully integrated CMOS quantum computer. The founders and top technical staff have over 100 years of aggregated high-tech industry experience, in addition to extensive research experience, particularly in the field of integrated circuits and RF transceivers. Equal1 PIs - Dr. Elena Blokhina and Dr. Dirk Leipold.
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC): BSC has a strong background in simulation of physical systems, and in particular the simulation of quantum computation processes. BSC PI - Dr. Artur Garcia.
University College Dublin (UCD): The UCD team has a strong background on quantum-key distribution, design and development of optimisation models, meta-heuristic methods, deep reinforcement learning, network graph algorithms, communications channel modelling, and network resource allocation and optimisation. UCD PIs - Dr. Prof. Bogdan Staszewski and Dr. Avishek Nag.
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL): The EPFL team has extensive cryo-CMOS experience with strong ties with TUD with whom they co-authored recent advances in cryogenic control of quantum processors. EPFL PI - Dr. Prof. Edoardo Charbon.

The PIs of the Project

Partner Projects

WiPLASH - Architecting More Than Moore: Wireless Plasticity for Massive Heterogeneous Computer Architectures.