M. Palesi, E. Russo, D. Patti, G. Ascia, V. Catania, “Assessing the Role of Communication in Scalable Multi-Core Quantum Architectures”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.16275, 2024.
E. Russo, M. Palesi, D. Patti, G. Ascia, V. Catania, “Attention-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Qubit Allocation in Modular Quantum Architectures”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.11452, 2024
A. Bandara, F. Rodríguez-Galán, P. Talarn, E. Pereira de Santana, P. Haring Bolívar, E. Alarcón and S. Abadal, “Towards Scalable Multi-Chip Wireless Networks with Near-Field Time Reversal,” arxiv:2404.17325, 2024.
S.B. Rached, I. Lopez Agudo, S. Rodrigo, M. Bandic, S. Feld, H. van Someren, E. Alarcón, C.G. Almudever, and S. Abadal, “Characterising the Inter-Core Qbit Traffic in Large-Scale Quantum Modular Architectures,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.01921, 2023.
F. Rodríguez-Galán, A. Bandara, E. Pereira de Santana, P. Haring Bolívar, E. Alarcón and S. Abadal, “Time Reversal for Near-Field Communications on Multi-chip Wireless Networks,”, IEEE Communications Magazine, 2024.
C. Power, R. B. Staszewski, E. Blokhina “Charge Based Single Shot Readout Systems in Quantum Computing”, IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, 2024.
S. Abadal, C. Han, V. Petrov, L. Galluccio, I. F. Akyildiz, J. M. Jornet, “Electromagnetic Nanonetworks Beyond 6G: From Wearable and Implantable Networks to On-chip and Quantum Communication,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 42, no. 8, 2024.
P. Escofet, A. Ovide, M. Bandic, L. Prielinger, H. Van Someren, S. Feld, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, C. G. Almudéver, “Revisiting the Mapping of Quantum Circuits: Entering the Multi-Core Era,” ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing, 2024.
P. Escofet, A. Ovide, C.G. Almudever, E. Alarcón, and S. Abadal, “Hungarian Qubit Assignment for Optimized Mapping of Quantum Circuits on Multi-Core Architectures,” IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 2023.
P. Escofet, A. Gonzalvo, E. Alarcón, C. G. Almudéver, and S. Abadal, “Route-Forcing: Scalable Quantum Circuit Mapping for Scalable Quantum Computing Architectures,” Proceedings of the IEEE QCE’24, September 2024.
S. Ben Rached, S. Navarro-Reyes, J. Khan, C. G. Almudéver, E. Alarcón and S. Abadal, “Benchmarking Emerging Cavity-Mediated Quantum Interconnect Technologies for Modular Quantum Computers”, Proceedings of the IEEE QCE’24, September 2024.
E. Blokhina, “Quantum computing: challenges from the perspective of fundamental theory, modelling, and simulations” 21/03/2024 Scientific Lectures of the IEEE Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems.
X. Wu, P.Giounanlis, C. Power, A. Sokolov, I. Kriekouki, M. Asker, D. Leipold, I. Bashir, E. Blokhina “RF-Reflectometry Measurements of Charge Transitions in a Quantum Dot Array Fabricated on FDX-22 Process”, Silicon Quantum Electronics Workshop (SiQEW) 2024, 4-6 September 2024, Davos, Switzerland (accepted).
A. Sokolov, C. Power, X. Wu, I. Kriekouki, M. Asker, P. Giounanlis, D. Leipold, I. Bashir2 and E. Blokhina, “Calibration of the Cryogenic Semiconductor Model for the Simulation of the Quantum Dots Fabricated on FDX-22 Process”, Silicon Quantum Electronics Workshop (SiQEW) 2024, 4-6 September 2024, Davos, Switzerland (accepted).
A. Pastor, P. Escofet, S. Ben Rached, E. Alarcón, P. Barlet-Ros, S. Abadal, “Circuit Partitioning for Multi-Core Quantum Architectures with Deep Reinforcement Learning,” Proceedings of the ISCAS ‘24, Singapore, May 2024.
S. Ben Rached, C. G. Almudéver, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, “Spatio-Temporal Characterization of Qubit Routing in Connectivity-Constrained Quantum Processors,” Proceedings of the ISCAS ‘24, Singapore, May 2024.
F. Rodríguez-Galán, A. Bandara, E. Pereira de Santana, P. Haring Bolívar, E. Alarcón and S. Abadal, “Collective Communication Patterns using Time-Reversal Terahertz Links at the Chip Scale,” Proceedings of the IEEE GLOBECOM ‘23, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2023.
P. Escofet, S. B. Rached, S. Rodrigo, C. G. Almudever, E. Alarcón, and S. Abadal, “Interconnect Fabrics for Multi-Core Quantum Processors: A Context Analysis,” 16th ACM International Workshop on Network-on-Chip Architectures, Toronto, Canada, 28 October 2023.
A. Bandara, F. Rodríguez-Galán, E. Pereira de Santana, P. Haring Bolívar, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, “Exploration of Time Reversal for Wireless Communications within Computing Packages,” Proceedings of the ACM NANOCOM’23, Coventry, UK, September 2023.
M. Bandic, L. Prielinger, J. Nüßlein, A. Ovide, S. Rodrigo, S. Abadal, H. van Someren, G. Vardoyan, E. Alarcón, C.G. Almudever, and S. Feld, “Mapping quantum circuits to modular architectures with QUBO,” Proceedings of the IEEE QCE 2023, Bellevue, USA, September 2023.
E. Alarcón, S. Abadal, F. Sebastiano, M. Babaie, E. Charbon, P. H. Bolívar, M. Palesi, E. Blokhina, D. Leipold, B. Staszewski, A. Garcia-Sáez, and C.G. Almudever, “Scalable multi-chip quantum architectures enabled by cryogenic hybrid wireless/quantum-coherent network-in-package,” Proceedings of the IEEE ISCAS 2023, Monterey, USA, May 2023.
A. Ovide, S. Rodrigo, M. Bandic, H. Van Someren, S. Feld, S. Abadal, E. Alarcón, and C.G. Almudever, “Mapping quantum algorithms to multi-core quantum computing architectures,” Proceedings of the IEEE ISCAS 2023, Monterey, USA, May 2023.